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Are Your Breast Implants TICKING TIME BOMBS?

by Feb 1, 2015Breasts0 comments

In a single word…..no.

It makes for great fiction and TV drama, but there is no real danger that your breast implants are going to explode, suddenly deflate, or cause you any immediate pain or problems. Both clinical studies (and the TV Show Mythbusters) have subjected breast implants to just about everything that could occur in your life with no problems whatsoever and that includes flying, scuba diving and representative samples from the Kama Sutra.

Breast Implants don’t last forever.

Half of all saline implants will need to be replaced within 10 years from your original surgery.

But just like your cat that was expected to live to 15, and is now going on 20, breast implants can last much longer than 10 years.

“If it isn’t broke…”

…Don’t fix it. At this time neither the breast implant manufacturers, the FDA, or thousands of physicians around the country recommend replacing an implant just because of its age.

You Need to Know: There are NO Health Hazards from leaking saline implants. If your saline implant is leaking, you will probably first notice that your bra starts to fit differently, or sometimes you notice one breast is getting smaller. With a little constructive padding, you’ll have several weeks or even months to get your implant replaced.

What to do if an implant is leaking

You’ll have several options to consider if you have a leaking implant. Before you call a plastic surgeon, here are some things to consider:

  1. Did you purchase a warranty with the original breast implants?
  2. Are you satisfied with the size, shape and position of your breasts now?
  3. Do you want to go through this again when the other implant begins to deflate, or in another 10 years when they need to be replaced again?

You Have a Choice.

Cohesive Gel Implants, also known as the “Gummy Bear Implant”, have a more natural look and feel, and are much less likely to require replacement. But not all plastic surgeons are currently using the new Cohesive Gel Implants, so be sure to find a plastic surgeon that can at least give you both options.

For more information on saline implants, or cohesive gel breast implants, contact Dr. Donald Kress at Plastic Surgery One in Frederick. Dr. Kress was one of a select group of surgeons selected by the FDA to perform the original clinical trials on cohesive gel implants, and has performed thousands of breast procedures throughout his career.


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