Eyelid Lift (Blepharoplasty)
Men and women from all backgrounds have chosen an eyelid lift, a procedure also known as blepharoplasty. Patients choose this procedure to remove puffy pouches of fat in the upper and/or lower lids that make them look older and tired. Excessive sagging or wrinkled upper and lower eyelid skin often hides your natural upper eyelid crease and can sometimes interfere with vision. Look refreshed and see better with an eyelid lift.
About the Procedure
Dr. Kress performs this procedure on an outpatient basis. Patients are under sedation and local or general anesthesia. During the procedure, Dr. Kress makes incisions along the natural crease of the upper lids and below the lash line of the lower lids. Excess fat, muscle, and skin are precisely removed. A newer variation called “Arcus Marginalis release” preserves the lower eyelid fat but blends it into the cheek for a smoother look. In some patients this will prevent the “hollow” look which sometimes develops with later aging.
Recovery Time
All sutures are removed within 4 to 6 days. Minimal discomfort is easily controlled with ice compresses and elevation. Bruising and swelling, if present, usually resolve within 10 to 14 days. Eye makeup can be used after the sutures are removed, and contact lenses can be worn within ten to fourteen days.
When you return to work (within 2 weeks) you will be the envy of your fellow employees. The scars are barely noticeable and everyone will assume that you are just back from a wonderfully relaxing vacation. The final result is a more relaxed, rested, alert and youthful appearance.
Eyelid Lift FAQs
I’ve seen ads for eyelid surgery using lasers rather than sharp instruments. Is this a better method?
Are there newer eyelid procedures on the horizon?
Can fat be injected into the eyelids to correct the hollowness?
Can liposuction be done to remove the excess fat of the lower lids?
I’ve heard the eyes are the most important visual aspect. Is this true?
What other effects might I notice from the eyelid surgery?
Most people are very impressed with how much brighter the world is. Because of the heaviness of the upper lids, they don’t fully realize how much of their field of vision has been lost over time. Also, many people have relief from tension headaches related to drooping eyelids. To have adequate vision, it is sometimes necessary for an individual to keep tension in the forehead to elevate the brows and to take up the excess skin of the upper lids, thereby creating the headache. Once the surgery is performed and the extra skin is removed, the forehead is able to relax, the tension goes out of the forehead, and the headaches disappear.
T.M. (Age 37)

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