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Breast Revisions

As one of the Senior Plastic Surgeons in the community and because of his reputation, Dr. Kress is frequently consulted on Breast surgeries, which did not meet the expectations of the client.  His research on Ultrasound and his years of experience permit him to offer corrective surgery, which frequently solves the problems.

Capsular Contracture

A particularly disturbing problem with breast implants which causes the implants to become too high, too hard, and uncomfortable.  Effecting as many as 3% of all breast implants, in the past this was thought to be related to the type of implant, the texture of the implant, the placement of the implant and many other factors.  More recently evidence has been mounting that Capsular Contracture is related to a slow and lingering type of infection known as “biofilm”.  This infection has the ability to hide from the body’s immune system and from most antibiotic therapy.  Another distinct feature of this infection is the remarkably small number of relatively benign bacteria required to start the process.  The best treatment is prevention and Dr. Kress has incorporated over twenty procedural changes in his operating technique all designed to minimize the risk of initiating a “biofilm” and capsular contracture. Treatment of a capsular contracture can include massage, antibiotics, ultrasound, and surgery. The New Aspen After Surgery Non-Surgical Treatment Program – Uses a combination of custom designed Ultrasound, massage and compression dressings to improve and sometimes dramatically treat Capsular Contracture.  Early consultation is critical for optimal results with this system. If surgery is required, Dr. Kress has had very few recurrences of the problem.  To minimize the risk of recurrence, all the capsular contracture material must be removed along with the old implants.  New implants must be used since there is evidence that simple cleaning of the implants is inadequate.

Bottoming Out

A condition of the breasts, which occurs when the implants pass beyond the lower edge of the natural breast.  This causes the appearance of the breasts to drop on the chest wall and simultaneously to rotate the nipple-areola complex up so that the nipples are pointing up.  The treatment is surgical and seeks to re-establish the lower edge of the breast (the inframammary fold).  Sometimes this can be done with anchoring sutures but more severe forms will require the insertion of an acellular dermal matrix to reinforce this anatomy.

Synmastia or Uni-breast

A very challenging condition of augmented breasts which is characterized by the joining of the two implants in the middle of the chest with the elimination of cleavage and a very distorted appearance.  This is a complex condition which can sometimes be solved by surgically reinforcing the medial area of the two breast implants, sometimes by removing the implants temporarily, or by insertion of an acellular dermal matrix to reinforce the medial edge of the implant pocket.

Breast Revision FAQs

What are the early signs of Capsular Contracture
Symptoms of capsular contracture usually emerge slowly and may first be noticed as a high-riding or misshaped breast. As the firmness increases, the breasts may feel tight or even painful, especially when you are lying on them.
What Causes Capsular Contracture?
Capsular Contracture is a result of the body’s natural response to foreign materials in the human body.  The body’s immune system begins to build scar tissue around the foreign materials.  Although the cause of capsular contracture is unknown, factors common to its incidence include bacterial contamination, rupture of the breast-implant shell, leakage of the silicone-gel filling, and hematoma.
Am I a good candidate for breast revision?
The best candidates for breast revision surgery should be in good general physical and mental health and have realistic expectations about their results. While revision surgery can help make a positive change in the appearance of your breasts, improvement is the goal rather than perfection.

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Email us anytime at info@plasticsurgeryone.com

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    (301) 245-1829