There are any number of reasons to consider liposuction. Women and men choose this procedure to remove excess fat that is resistant to diet and exercise. It is an ideal way to create a slimmer and better-proportioned body contour.
About the Procedure
If you are near normal weight or have a specific problem area and desire contour changes, liposuction offers a permanent improvement in the contour and proportion of the treated areas. Commonly treated areas include thighs, hips, abdomen, saddlebags, upper arms, inner knees, ankles and under the chin. Men most often seek to improve the appearance of their love handles or abdomen, and liposuction can be used for male breast reduction.
The procedure is performed on an outpatient basis, with general anesthesia for safety and comfort. Tumescent solution is used to swell the fat cells and constrict the blood vessels prior to beginning suctioning. The tumescent technique also speeds the recovery, minimizes bleeding and bruising, and improves the overall result of liposuction for Maryland patients. Small suction tubes called cannulas are inserted through incisions placed in inconspicuous locations. The surgery proceeds rapidly with most procedures lasting less than one hour. At the conclusion of the procedure, you will be placed in a support garment to help minimize swelling and bruising, and to permit the skin to shrink down after removal of the fat. Other popular procedures that can be combined with liposuction include tummy tuck, thigh lift, and breast augmentation.
Recovery Time
A return to work in 3 to 7 days is normal following liposuction in Maryland. Any swelling and bruising usually subsides within two to four weeks, and many of our patients are in bathing suits showing off their new body after only four weeks. The final result continues to improve for up to three months or more.
After your liposuction procedure, you’ll be able to enjoy improved contour in the treated area which balances out other physical features. Patients have a more flattering figure and find that clothes fit better.
Ranging from $3,175.00-6,795.00 +
Liposuction FAQs
Does the fat come back?
I’ve tried dieting, but that just doesn’t work for me. Is liposuction an answer?
What are some areas women commonly choose for liposuction in Maryland?
What are the most common areas to be treated with liposuction for males?
How quickly can I get back to work?
How long do I have to wear the support garment?
“No matter how much I exercised or dieted I still had stubborn pockets of fat on my outer thighs and inner knees. I am very pleased with my liposuction results!”
C.C. (Age 27)

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