With Dr. Kress’ retirement, we’re proud to introduce Dr. Henry F. Garazo! Contact Us Now! Learn More

We all know the expression, “What women have to go through for beauty”. We hear it all the time. You’re concerned about discomfort. Everyone is. But it may be time to take the pain of procedure out of the equation.  In fact fear of pain is the number one reason for not having cosmetic breast surgery.

At Plastic Surgery One, we’ve modified a protocol first developed by a group in Texas which emphasized gentle handling, early mobility, and reduced narcotics.  To this we’ve added low dose Lyrica, a medication which has been found to significantly improve pain thresholds.  This combination may be the answer to our pain concerns.  And that’s something we can all be happy about!

We’re currently housing an ongoing study of pain in our patients who’ve undergone breast augmentation. Within this study, 90% of all simple augmentation patients are now having their surgery with nothing stronger than high dose Ibuprofen (Motrin) combined with the Lyrica.

So perhaps you really can gain without the pain.