Our Blog
Halloween Specials for Vampire Treatments
In celebration of Halloween, Plastic Surgery one has some special treats for you (no tricks). Would you like more youthful skin or correct the early signs of facial aging? Or would you like to run and play with your children without having to worry...
Are Your Breast Implants TICKING TIME BOMBS?
In a single word…..no. It makes for great fiction and TV drama, but there is no real danger that your breast implants are going to explode, suddenly deflate, or cause you any immediate pain or problems. Both clinical studies (and the TV Show...
Laser Hair Reduction – Making a Smooth Entrance into Spring
It has been a drawn-out and dreary winter. With longing thoughts of spring beginning to creep into our minds, you may come to the realization that your beauty regime needs a quick reality check. Warm weather means shorts weather. Unfortunately we won’t be able to get...
The Facts behind Facials
Celebrities like Demi Moore and Gwyneth Paltrow swear by them, and with skin like theirs, it’s no mystery why. Facials may feel like an extreme luxury reserved for the rich and famous, but with more affordable options on the market today and the fantastic benefits...
No Pain, No Gain?
We all know the expression, “What women have to go through for beauty”. We hear it all the time. You’re concerned about discomfort. Everyone is. But it may be time to take the pain of procedure out of the equation. In fact fear of pain is the number one reason for...

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